HTTP request handling methods and classes.
: Common Gateway Interface (CGI) request handler.interface.http.request
: HTTP request object.interface.http.request_parser
: HTTP request parser base class.interface.http.response
: HTTP response object.dictionary_to_query_string(params, )
: Dictionary->query stringget(request_method, host, port, path, options, )
: Retrieves a resource from an HTTP server.
options can be null or a System.collections.binary_tree that has one or more of
the following fields:
auth_type: Authentication type (only Basic is supported at the moment)
auth_username: Username for HTTP authentication
auth_password: Password for HTTP authentication
parameters: a binary_tree with keys/values to send
headers: additional HTTP headers to send
Returns an interface.http.response object with the request's response,
or throws an exception if the server cannot be reached.
process_request(req_parser, req_method, )
: Processes an HTTP request.